Blue Ridge Community College
Flat Rock, North Carolina
Products: AluTek
Design by APCO

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 Services Provided
    Design & Planning
    Map Development
    Value Engineering

    Custom Exterior
    Elevate® (Interior Only)

 Background Information
Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) is a two-year, comprehensive post-secondary institution located in Flat Rock, North Carolina, right in the heart of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. With a growing enrollment and  one of the largest Continuing Education Programs in the state, the college embarked upon a rebranding project to better communicate and represent the level of educational programs it offers to the surrounding counties. BRCC also wanted to create a more welcoming environment by providing an improved signage system to allow students and visitors to find their destinations more easily.

As part of this initiative, through a competitive process, APCO was selected to provide design-build services for a brand new, campus-wide signage program, beginning with the exterior.

 The Challenges
A preliminary design had already been established for the exterior sign program, with the focus on three, large gateway signs. But, there were changes needed.

Permitting challenges necessitated APCO reengineering two 22’ wide horizontal ID signs so the existing stone bases could be utilized.

The college also wanted to convert the primary gateway ID sign from the existing horizontal format to a more impactful, 22’ tall vertical installation.

 The Solution
APCO’s Design & Planning team worked closely with the signage committee at the college over the course of several months to fine tune the details of a comprehensive plan to focus on both branding and wayfinding.

Fabrication and installation took place during the height of COVID-19 in the Southeast, so there were numerous related challenges for all parties involved. In the end however, APCO delivered and installed the complete exterior program on time and on budget.

 The Products
For its frameless look and easy customization, APCO’s AluTek system was selected as the primary exterior system, providing the college with the desired unique look while also offering updatability to accommodate future growth and change at the school.

SignTypes with the exterior program included:
  • Gateway ID
  • Vehicular Wayfinding
  • Parking Lot ID
  • Pedestrian Wayfinding & Maps
  • Building ID (ground-mounted)
A phased Interior Sign Program is also being designed, planned, fabricated and installed in the Fall of 2020 using APCO’s frameless Elevate system. The interior signs will feature the same look and branding details as the exterior signs, thus establishing a comprehensive and cohesive program for the entire campus.

AluTek Main ID
AluTek Parking Lot ID
BRCC Video
BRCC Video
AluTek Main ID Installation
AluTek Main ID
AluTek Campus Directional
AluTek Campus Map
AluTek Building ID
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